Welcome to GO Train


GO Train is an opportunity to be better equipped to share, and we have some excellent trainers running live interactive webinars for free. Learn from well seasoned evangelists and feel free to ask some questions during their session.




Luke Collis  |  Evangelist



Session Title: "Out of the overflow."

Session Summary: The Commission of Jesus was never intended to come from a place of duty or obligation but instead out of the overflow. When our words come from this place, sharing about Him no longer feels like a duty but a joy and our words no longer come across forced but natural and full of love.

In 2008 Luke found himself on a wild, faith filled journey that led him into full-time evangelistic ministry. Ever since he’s been reaching young and old with the message of Jesus. Luke leads UNASHAMED, a evangelistic youth organisation with the dream to see "Every young person in New Zealand reached with the message of Jesus". Luke believes that God can do powerful things through a young person completely devoted to Him and is committed to challenging young people to represent Jesus well both with their lips and with their lives. He lives in Hastings, New Zealand with his wife Jess and four children, Liberty, Corban, Camille and Joshua.



Robert Siakimotu  |  International Evangelist
OAC Ministries NZ


Session Title: "Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ Effectively"

Session Summary: The Gospel of Jesus is most important and relevant message that give life and hope for all people. Our message in Evangelism is the Gospel – The message is relevant and very important and powerful – so our communication of this message must be relevant and effective.

Robert is an International Evangelist with Open Air Campaigners and was one of the founders of Polynesian Ministries based in New Zealand. Niuean by birth and is married to Laisa (Fijian), with 3 grown up children and one that has gone to be with the Lord at the age of seven. Robert has two degrees, (B.Th, B.A in Biblical Studies) and has a PhD in Missiology. Robert joined OAC Ministries staff as an Evangelist in 1980 and is still serving faithfully with OAC today in countries like Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Niue, Cook Islands, Vanuatu, Africa, Caribbean and Eurasia. He is a talented and gifted Evangelist and Communicator and will be sharing in his session some gems regarding how to effectively utilise visual aids.



Joseph Lee  |  Evangelist
Pioneer Ministry


Session Title: "Reimagining power evangelism for Millennials and Gen-Z"

Session Summary: Elijah said “the God who answers by fire is God.” We live in a generation where the youth are not post-Christian but pre-Christian. We get to redefine who Jesus really is, and that is a God of power, who confirms His gospel with signs and wonders. Joseph shares many stories from the trenches of street witnessing and seeing miracles on the mission field that will inspire and encourage.” 

Joseph Lee is married to Lesley, has 4 kids and lives in New Zealand. They run a ministry called Pioneer Ministry, travelling as evangelists around the world doing miracle campaigns, revival and worship events, training seminars called Schools of the Spirit and local church meetings in the towns, cities and nations they visit. Since 2014 they have seen thousands saved and hundreds healed at their miracle crusades in the South Pacific. They have seen many miracles and love to share these testimonies to inspire faith. Come along and be inspired!




Pat Steele  |  Evangelist
Hope Movement Director


Session Title: "Evangelism is fun and easy with the Holy Spirit"

Session Summary:  To equip believers with simple and practical tools to share hope with the world around them.

Pat Steele is a missionary evangelist with Youth for Christ Australia and director of Hope Movement, he is super passionate about prayer and worship, and loves telling people about the hope that he has found in Jesus.




Stu Millar  |  Evangelist
Train To Proclaim Inc.


Session Title: "Communicating the gospel in a relevant, clear and culturally appropriate way."

Session Summary: Stu will be talking about key principles of evangelism, communication tips, and giving a super quick overview on how to use the G7 app. The app is so useful for engaging people, whether that be a friend over a coffee or a complete stranger on the street.

Stuart is married with 4 children, lives in Brisbane and has been a full time evangelist for 28 years. He founded Train To Proclaim in New Zealand and Australia and has developed the G7 app as a modern way to engage people with the gospel.



Dave Mann  |  Creative Communicator
Shining Lights Trust


Session Time: 02:30 PM (AEST)

Session Title: "Reaching the people you know”

Session Summary: Conversational skill training for engaging meaningfully not only with strangers in the course of an average day - but with those you meet and know every day. Jesus’ conversational skills were superb. And he related differently to different people. He engaged the interested -  while only intriguing the disinterested for instance, and deflected the hostile. Hear a summary of some training on this topic from Dave, with connection to resources that can help you take it further in your church, small group or youth group.

Dave is a networker and creative communicator with a vision to see an understanding of the Christian faith continuing and also being valued in the public square in Aotearoa-New Zealand. He has innovated numerous conversational resources for churches, and has coordinated various national nationwide multimedia Easter efforts purposed to open up conversations between church and non-church people about the Christian faith, with stories about the specifically Christian origins of many of our nation’s most treasured values intentionally included. Dave is the Producer of the ‘Chronicles of Paki’ illustrated NZ history series created for educational purposes, and the author of various other books and booklets including “Because we care”, “That Leaders might last” and “The Elephant in the Room”. Married to Heather, they have four young boys and reside in Tauranga, New Zealand



Become part of our vision today. When you sign up, we ask that you kindly provide some contact details. We are intentional about discipleship and growing together as the church. We want you to feel welcomed and ensure you receive the best resource available from us.

Duration: Lifetime
Access: Free

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